We all have a destiny

Every real woman must cut down a tree, destroy a house, and give birth to a daughter. And the real thing is to believe in fate. After all, everything in this world is not accidental: if I dropped my purse, and it was picked up by a nice man, then this is of course the same one! Typically feminine approach to life, right?

Seriously, women aren't born with this mindset. They become so in the process of education, when the fantasy world gradually replaces reality.

How are ""real women"" formed?

First they are taught that they are the center of the world. Adults-they are for giving gifts to children. Boys-they are for admiring a girl's beauty. And the girls themselves came to this world to favorably agree to a marriage proposal – of course, after all the treasures of the world are thrown to their feet. This is what they say in fairy tales, and there are many poems and songs about it. Well, mom and dad are happy to pamper their ""Princess"" and support the correctness of her ideas.

Then the Princess comes out of a tender age and quite sincerely, although without realizing it, begins to believe that the whole world order is for her. All people lived in order to appear before it at some point - the center of the world, the navel of the earth - and play some kind of performance, to teach a life lesson.

The universe leads a real woman through life, and every event is given for something: a husband, a scandal, a bad mood. You just need to be careful and study why she has this tantrum, this conflict, and this loss. It is only when she understands the secret design of the world that builds everything around her that enlightenment will occur.

Esoteric literature is very well adapted to this worldview. Richard Bach, Paulo Coelho, Carlos Castaneda… Everywhere it is written that the universe arranges a dance around a person in the hope of giving some secret power. And now a woman feels superior to others: all people are like people, and I am the lady of the sea, and I have a goldfish on my parcels.

A real woman's Saturday morning. I don't want to get up... it's raining Outside. Is it a sign? Exactly, a sign! You don't have to go anywhere today. You can lie down…

What is the convenience of such a worldview?

First, the lack of responsibility. The universe planned everything for me. Life is a series of signs and lessons, the main thing is to recognize them.

Secondly, any inner urge to do something or not to do something can be explained by a mystical craving or sign. ""My feet carried me away from this place, and I realized: I will not enter this University."" ""I was walking away from him, all in tears, and then some dog barked at me. I suddenly thought: this is a sign. All, I've had enough. We're breaking up."

Such harmless brain games result in a complete distortion of cause-and-effect relationships. And until life does not hurt, it is very difficult to explain to such a lady that a branch falls on her head because a strong wind is blowing, and not so that she does not go somewhere. Or - that a beautiful sunset happens just like that, and not in order that this night there was a breakthrough in her relationship.

Is it possible to become smarter without expecting painful blows from the world around you?

Can. To do this, you just need to remember that nothing is happening around us in order to push us to a certain decision. We always make our own decisions.