How does a child's successful development begin?

I think that you, psychologists, parents, teachers, have heard that every person is a priori capable by nature. But why do some really show their talent, and others their ordinariness?

I will discuss this with the example of three children.

One child by nature so healthy and wonderful was born, received 8-10 points on Apgar 1, and was discharged home from the hospital.

The second child received a long list of diagnoses and sad forecasts in the first hour of birth, was sent from the hospital to a special clinic.

The third child is the same as the second and is sent to the same place. With only one difference. Mother.

His mother called at least 5 times a day to someone and told a long epic about how unhappy she was, what a sick child, repeated all the diagnoses. To the neighbors in the ward, she complained about this from 3 times a day. As a rule, after each weighing of the baby. At Breakfast, lunch, and dinner-to random neighbors in the Department-too.

I don't know how her story ended. I never liked pessimists very much.

The mother of the second child was the complete opposite. Yes, she called, answered the phone, said that the child was in the hospital. But the curious did not talk about how unhappy she is, what diagnoses the child has. She talked about how smart the child was, how much progress he was making.

""Can you imagine, she's only 5 days old, and she's already holding a bottle herself! "

""Oh, Yes, she herself began to sleep from evening to morning, and she's only a week old! "

"" She knows where the left and right are! I tell her to lift her right leg. She raises her right hand. I ask you to put your left hand up and raise your left hand. What a quick wit!»

The mother of the first baby noticed the success of her son. She didn't do it as hard as the other one. Maybe because the child is healthy and she did not need to note for herself the normality and development of the child. Maybe because I took a lot of things for granted. Maybe because achievements are more meaningful actions for her.

That's just the results of children have already been strikingly different since a year. For example, one of them could climb the ladder-crossbar independently at 7 months, hang on the horizontal bar for 1 minute without support.

What kind of child do you think it was? Healthy and with minimal notice of achievements or the second with a lot of diagnoses and a huge value for each achievement?

If you passed the exercise ""success Diary"", then you will definitely answer correctly. The second child was in front.

Yes, just noting the success and achievements of the child is not enough to improve his health. Parents ' actions in this direction are also necessary. However, without tracking the child's progress, the result of their development is slower. It is not enough to develop something. It is important to see the resulting change. It is important to see the confirmation and record it somewhere. To name the child. Teach them to enjoy what they receive. The child will not learn this by itself. His parents can help him with this.

If you notice your child's achievements from birth, then your child is very successful. Knowing their strengths helps them learn. If you started doing this a little later, then notice the result. It will definitely please you.

I, the mother of the second child, give you a guarantee!

Noticing children's achievements is the minimum basis for their successful development. And every parent can do it!